Our blue hero’s adventure is only starting! Next stop: “Gearing Up”! Sonic arrives a familiar place, where he’ll find old faces from his past, new companions for the future, and unexpected dangers hinting at something sinister just below the surface…
SEGA, Sonic the Hedgehog, and all related characters are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA CORPORATION© 1991 - 2025, SEGA CORPORATION and SONIC TEAM, LTD./SEGA CORPORATION© 1991 - 2025. Sonic Legacy is a fan-based product by Sonic fans. Any similiarities between characters, names, and/or institutions in this comic and any living, dead, or fictional characters, names, and/or institutions are not intended and if they exist, are purely coincidental. All content original to Sonic Legacy is copyrighted© 2018 - 2025 to Sonic Legacy. Privacy Policy.