The Rundown
Pencils and Colors Open and Wanted!

Thing What Kicks

A Taste of the Future

Yo! Long time no see, readers! We have some big news coming your way, which is why we've been silent for a good while. We just didn't want to reveal anything until we were sure it could be done, y'know? To kick off this newsletter, word from the frontier regarding our mainline comic series is full steam ahead. Issue 7 hit the halfway mark for completion. Some of you might have peeped the concept art of Sally Acorn we released a little while back on the twitter, including her parents, King Max and Queen Cherie. We have a long list of plans, helped with our including some ahead-of-the-curve artists on our team that have completed future issues so we can attempt to get a more consistent release schedule out to you.
But to do that, it's imperative we have our team to do it. These things take time, and as such, we can only rely on a cycle of people to create the comic all of you love. If you wish to contribute to the penciling or coloring process, our auditions are always open.
Auditions for Pencils & Colors
We're looking for people with Pencils and Colors in mind, as that's where we require the most additions. The auditions themselves can be found on our discord server. To audition, all you have to do is read the pinned messages on audition rules, and submit your piece. We'll take a look at it in no time flat, and you can be well on your way to enjoying many of our behind the scenes details we develop on the daily, including ideas for future stories, concepts, characters and so much more.
Dubbing for Debugs Vol 1
And just like everything else we do, we try to cover all possible angles; this includes audio! To make better use of our dubbing team, we've got two big things on the horizon. One of which is nearly completed, and the other in production.
The first one is all about bringing our side content to life. The Debugs posted on our social media sites, including our website here and Twitter and sometimes inside the comic as well, are getting dubbed over from our sound team: Sonic Legacy's Debugs, Volume 1. A bundle collection of the extra gags we've posted over the year brought to you in a streamlined format for easy viewing pleasure on youtube.
Legacy Uncut
The second one is something even grander! For those who might have listened to episode 4 of the podcast, where we talked about expanding the world through ways that weren't touched upon, and fleshed out in grander detail in the context of Sonic Legacy, we've decided to start up an audio-only series. Stories that focus on characters in and outside of the comic, telling you their tale through the magic of voice acting. In fact, you can expect a "pilot" of sorts to be coming to you soon. Exact date is unknown at this time, but rest assured, it's right around the corner.
This will allow us to delve deeper into character motivations, interactions, origins and so on.
You can find this pilot under the title "Broken Pedestal" on the youtube channel. Official announcement when released will be on our twitter and our discord when it's ready to be released.
That about covers it. We at Sonic Legacy hope you're staying safe in these trying times. Remember to be excellent to each other.