June 3rd, 2020 – Issue 6 NEARLY Complete!

Though we’ve said this before, Issue 6 is just INCHES from being complete! We’re always looking for new blood, so consider auditioning! And, as a reminder, you can submit letters to be included in future issues!


May 1, 2020 – Issue 6 status and ‘Sonic Grams’

You can now support Legacy via our Patreon and get behind-the-scenes peaks into future content. Issue 6 is still coming along well, and you can also now submit your letters to be included in future issues, ‘Sonic Grams’ style!


March 1, 2020 – A new year, new challenges

With a new year comes new challenges, and for us that means timely newsletter content and progressing with our Christmas 2021 animation! We’ll soon be opening auditions for new blood to help on the project. Keep watch on our Twitter for the announcement!
