The Rundown
The Ride Starts Here!


Mail’s Here

Hit Up Our Patreon!

Looking to support the comic and its crew? Say no more. As detailed further in the newsletter, we've reworked how we do things over at Legacy, and we've begun looking into our Patreon and what we can do with it. Things such as concept art and behind-the-scenes content are going to be posted there. Patrons also get access a week early to our very own off-panel segments, named 'Debug Mode'. You can catch them early on our Patreon.
Going for a Ride!
It's always good to learn from the past. We've decided to start a retrospective review series, taking a look at the older Sonic comic archives. Everything from early Archie Sonic, to more off-beat productions like Sonic the Comic by Fleetway, and everything in-between, as we take a look at everything Sonic's gone through!
Issue 6 Status Update
Taking a look at how we approached our work, we've revamped our production process. As a result, Issue 6 is nearly here! We're very close to completing it, and are endlessly thankful for your patience. We're planning to release it early to mid May. Consider subscribing to the Tapas page, or following our Twitter to be the first to see it!
Send in the Mail
Starting Issue 6, we'll be including our own type of 'Sonic Grams' like what Archie comics had! Send in your letters to Legacy at soniclegacysp@gmail.com and yours may be seen!