The Rundown
Done and dusted issue 7!

Five Years Ago…

I wonder who this could be?

Welcome back, dear readers! It's been more than a hot minute, huh? In fact, now it's kinda chilly. With the Fall season officially upon us, it's time to bundle up and get that cocoa going. Or, if you're more inclined to the spooky variety, some delicious pumpkin flavors. Either way, the content we're brewing is getting hotter by the minute. So grab your scarf and read on below to find out what's new on the homefront.
Fresh Off The Presses!
If you haven't noticed yet, we've officially released Issue 7 of Sonic Legacy about a week ago! Yes, it's been a long time coming. Unfortunately, many of the production snafu's we ran into were out of our hands, and we didn't have much of a choice but to work against a metaphorical brick wall. In the end, we managed, and it's only gonna get better from here. Reason being, we've hit something of a renaissance period regarding how we do things. I can't get into all of the details, but we're confident when we can say that the release schedule should pick up from here. At the rate we're going, the next arc will see something of a bi-monthly release. You can look forward to more pulse pounding, heart racing events in the coming months. The next arc is going to deal with something heavier than you're used to seeing. The "Escalation" arc will end around issue 10, and boy, do we have a surprise for you when that drops, heh heh heh...
Mic Check, One-Two
On the audio side of things, there have been some major developments. The first official episode of Legacy Uncut is going to drop in the near future. Much sooner than you might think, so be sure to watch out for that. Like I said in the past, Legacy Uncut is a way for us to tell stories without having to make an entire issue, while also letting us tell these stories from different perspectives. The first episode is going to deal with Sonic, and just precisely why he's traveling the planet. If you're curious about the first one we released on our youtube channel, titled "Broken Pedestal", that was a pilot to see if we could make it a reality. On top of this, we're also releasing a collection of our own off-panels, titled "Debug Mode" around the same time frame, all voiced by our team of voice actors, some of which we haven't even released to the public, have been mixed in as well. "Debug Mode Vol.1" should release around the same time as Legacy Uncut's first episode, "Worldbound". Keep an eye out for it!
Animator spots have been opened
During Sonic Revolution some months back, we revealed an animatic for our upcoming Christmas project slated for a 2022 release, titled "Spirit of Mobius". It's a heartwarming story centered around acceptance and friendship. While we've made some progress since then, it's an unfortunate fact that real life calls, and prior obligations to it demand attention, meaning some of our animators have had to drop out due to overloaded life and work responsibility. So it's with open arms that we're making the animator role available once more! For anyone interested in helping animate a Christmas special with Sonic and his friends, all you have to do is join our discord and bring your portfolio with you.