The Rundown
Who Dis?

Nice City Planning, Nerds

The Future Beckons

When we first started the newsletters, it was a way to inform our readers of upcoming news, events and details concerning the comic. The problem was that we had to fit the content onto a page as a picture and post it, on top of finding monthly news to tell our readers about. Now that we have an entire website, we can talk about bigger and better things in greater detail. The wonders of a streamlined platform, huh?
As our comic project moves forward, ideas blossom forth. Sonic Legacy started out as a retelling of the games, and I'm sure issues 1 to 5 prove that. The thing we want to distinguish from any other Sonic project is how we're telling a cohesive story with a sensible timeline, using the games and other spin-offs as a basis to tell a story. The "Legacy's Prelude" Arc is Sonic 1 told through a different lens. The game acts as a starting point, and the comic morphs and twists into something else as we develop it and figure out different aspects and key storytelling pieces.
This isn't to say we won't have our own unique stories separate from the games, but it's important to realize that they form the crux of the Sonic mythos. Without them, we don't have the context in which to tell these stories by. Without those experiences with Sonic at our side, he would just be another blue hedgehog mobian. Not that there are many of those to begin with...
Our most recent mainline issue, Gearing Up Issue #6, is an example of this. You wouldn't guess its the start to Sonic 2, would ya? And this is only the beginning! We want to make sure our readers know that Mobius is a breathing and living world full of unexplored frontiers and adventure while remaining sensible and believable in the context of the world. That includes its inhabitants.
To populate the world, you obviously need people. At a glance, you might begin to wonder who we have in store for the rest of Sonic's adventure outside of the main cast. Rest assured, it's a doozy. In our first issue of Mobius Legacy #1 "Descension". we introduced a wide range of characters we're going to see down the road, including several I'm sure a few eagle-eyed viewers caught on their first or even second time around.
While we pull ideas and characters from all across the Sonic franchise, it's important to develop their character in the context of our universe. Sonic Legacy is an entirely separate continuity from the rest of Sonic. Origins, where they come from, how they act or dress or respond all have small to large changes. If we just plucked a character as is and dropped them into Legacy, it'd be more like a dimensional hopping story at that point. How did things turn out in other big events? We can't assume these things, so it's important to know ahead of time as we mold and shape the ideas surrounding them.
Aspects of the World
But to have all of this come together and work, there needs to be a space in which this all happens. It's extremely easy to forget that Sonic does in fact live on a planet, and regardless of what some people might say, worlds and civilizations have history. Things don't happen one day after the other. Sonic Adventure 2 didn't happen days after Sonic Adventure 1. It's reasonable to assume that time passes. People grow, things change, and life moves on, even as these fantastic or terrible events happen to our heroes and villains, they shape and mold them. History is there as a progenitor, recorded to be studied and remembered by.
If one looks deeper, Sonic's world has miles of history, all the way from Sonic 1, to Sonic 06 and beyond. Looking past the surface level, there is a rich world full of possibility. Strange characters, locations and culture that's often overlooked. Sonic Legacy is about telling the legend of Sonic The Hedgehog and how he shaped history... but to do that, we must consider every aspect the world might offer, and whether or not those aspects have a meaningful place within the comic. It's through our staff's interpretation, ideas and concepts that we mold the world into something unique. Something to be remembered in a positive light for all fans, for good, bad or indifferent.
Doom and gloom is easy to get lost in when your franchise is almost 30 years old... but it brings a bountiful harvest when you look past the fog and see the seeds just beneath. It's through these practices that we create a Sonic that we think would bring a fresh take while remaining faithful the core ideals of the characters and the franchise at large.
We've only just begun.
But that's all we have for you at the moment. Rest assured we're hard at work bringing our dear and beloved fans more adventures for Sonic and his friends he will make along the way.
See you on the flipside!
-Team Legacy