The Rundown



5 Coming Soon?

Whether you're celebrating post-Halloween, Day of the Dead, or staying inside with the lights off, we all need a moments reprieve from the bustling day-to-day. A hot or cool fall's night isn't too far away. Enjoy your pumpkin spice while you can, dear reader, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner.
Manically Mandating
Like any good syndicated work, you're bound to run into creator-based snafus whether its a part of a team project, or publishing with a company. Rules and guidelines are the cornerstone of any good project. While we don't have them finalized, we're drawing elements that worked in both post-boot Archie and our own original set. The official list will be posted on the Sonic Legacy Twitter soon!
Keeping Things Productive
While on the subject of structuring on a comic, it's equally important to have a production process dedicated to it as well. We start with writing, then with pencils, into inks, into colors, into lettering. This is so we can streamline the process, and so no one person has too much work in any location. We want everyone to feel welcome if they join the team. Speaking of...
Recruits, Front and Center
The last few months of the year are always the busiest! Our staff working on the comic naturally have lives and families to attend to, so we're short-handed in a sense. This is an official roll call for any pencilers, inkers and colorists that might wish to build their portfolio. The only requirements are joining the official Sonic Legacy Discord, and have a healthy fondness for Sonic-related media!